Scholarly Year

At the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS), we want our physicians in training to be lifelong learners, growing and adapting as medicine evolves. This helps to provide the highest possible quality of medical care and an intellectually fulfilling experience.

Within the four years, students have many opportunities to enrich their education, though the demands of required coursework and clinical responsibilities may limit choices. This is why nearly one third of the class elects to spend a full year carrying out a scholarly project.

Some students opt to conduct a research project in order to obtain mentored, one-on-one research training, learn more about a specialty area, or build up their research portfolio. To take advantage of the Scholarly Year program, students need to be in good standing, have completed their second or third year of medical school, and be committed to spending a year on their project. This may be conducted either at ISMMS or another approved site.

Exploring a Scholarly Year

If you are considering a Scholarly Year, first meet with a faculty member in the Medical Student Research Office to discuss your plans. They will help you review national fellowship programs that support your goals and objectives, such as the Howard Hughes Research Scholars Program, or the NIH Medical Research Scholars Program, and other sources of funding. We also suggest that you review the program guidelines.

The Scholarly Year project that you choose must ask a question of scientific, social, or other scholarly value, and must be feasible within the time frame. We encourage both scientific and humanities projects. Other than those in a national research fellowship program, all must be approved by the Medical Student Research Office. If you are interested in pursuing a Research Scholarly Year, please read the instructions carefully before completing the "Scholarly Year Request Form." Students who are returning from a Research Scholarly Year must submit the "Return from Scholaly Year Request Form" and be cleared by the Medical Student Research Office. Students who are pursuing a degree program or consulting fellowship should contact Student Affairs office.