Program Curriculum

Our mission is to nurture a visionary community of students, staff, faculty, and leaders who are committed to advancing exceptional clinical care and science that is free of racism and oppression in all its forms.

View 4-Year Curriculum Program

Medical Education Program Objectives

Our program objectives represent the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected of our graduates to ensure their success in the future.

Graduates will reliably obtain and interpret clinical data, propose a prioritized management plan, and communicate effectively with patients, families, colleagues and staff.


A. History Taking

1. Conduct a comprehensive interview appropriate to the patient’s chronological and developmental age and the clinical venue that is organized and includes the complete elements of the history, including the medical record and perspectives of family/caregivers.


B. Physical Examination

1. Conduct a comprehensive physical exam that is appropriate to the patient’s chronological and developmental age and the clinical venue while respecting the patient’s privacy and dignity.


C. Procedural Skills

1. Describe indications for and potential complications of basic procedures.

2. Perform basic procedures under supervision with attention to universal precautions, sterile technique, and patient comfort.


D. Clinical Reasoning

1. Generate a prioritized patient problem list and differential diagnosis.

2. Recognize patients who require urgent or emergent care and management.

3. Recognize when screening for routine health maintenance or disease is appropriate.


E. Medical Decision-Making

1. Initiate diagnostic and management plans appropriate to the patient and clinical setting.

2. Plan for safe transitions across the care continuum, with attention to patient safety, health literacy, and support systems.

3. Apply the principles of evidence-based medicine to clinical decision-making through the appraisal of scientific literature.


F. Communication Skills

1. Elicit patients’ values and preferences related to their health and health care.

2. Communicate effectively with patients, their families, and/or caregivers.

3. Communicate effectively with all members of the health care team.

4. Effectively educate patients about plans of care.

5. Record clinical information and reasoning in the medical record clearly and accurately.

6. Demonstrate the steps to obtain informed consent appropriate for the patient and clinical venue.

Graduates will apply knowledge and analytic abilities to engage in problem-solving at multiple levels—from the individual patient to the health care system.


A. Organ Structure and Function

1. Apply the principles of gross and microscopic anatomy and physiology to describe organs and organ systems.

2. Apply the principles of molecular, cellular, and genomic biology to describe the basis of tissue specificity.

3. Apply knowledge of major biochemical path ways to describe normal cell function and metabolism.


B. Characteristics and Mechanisms of Disease

1. Explain mechanisms of disease using the principles of molecular biology and genetics.

2. Describe the structural changes and physiologic alterations that underlie disease states.

3. Explain how microorganisms interact with the host at cellular, tissue, and systems levels to promote homeostasis or cause disease.

4. Describe the incidence, prevalence, and risk factors for major diseases.

5. Recognize the clinical manifestations of major diseases.


C. Healing and Therapeutics

1. Describe the role of the immune system in preventing and responding to disease.

2. Recognize reparative responses to cell and tissue injury.

3. Describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of major classes of therapeutic agents.

4. Select basic pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic approaches to disease and symptom management.


D. Social Determinants of Health

1. Recognize the impact of structural and social determinants on health.

2. Describe the concept of human rights and its impact on health.


E. Health Care Resources and Delivery Systems

1. Describe the global distribution of disease and its impact on the health care needs of communities.

2. Describe the U.S. health care system, including predominant methods of insurance coverage.


F. Ethical Principles of Medical Practice and Research

1. Recognize ethical principles and dilemmas in the practice of medicine and research.

2. Describe current laws and policies that affect medical practice.

Graduates will be inquisitive, reflective learners and practitioners; they will think creatively, work effectively, and be collaborative.


A. Self-awareness and Commitment to Self-improvement

1. Incorporate feedback into practice.

2. Demonstrate the skills of self-directed learning.


B. Methods of Investigation, Analysis and Dissemination

1. Formulate questions and generate hypotheses that will drive learning.

2. Engage in and present scholarly activity relevant to health and disease.


C. Teamwork

1. Work effectively as part of an inter-professional patient care team.

2. Work effectively with peers as part of a team in educational activities.

Graduates will use their knowledge and skills responsibly to serve the needs of patients and society.

A. Service

1. Demonstrate a concern for the vulnerabilities of patients.

2. Advocate for individual and community access to health care and resources that promote health.

3. Show concern for the basic needs and life circumstances of patients.

4. Demonstrate a commitment to the health care needs of communities.

B. Leadership and Accountability

1. Identify strategies for effective conflict resolution, negotiation, and decision-making.

2. Recognize potential medical errors.

3. Demonstrate the principles of quality improvement and safety science.

C. Honesty and Integrity

1. Be honest and ethical in clinical interactions, educational activities, scholarly work, and service activities.

2. Accurately represent one’s role and capabilities on a health care team.

3. Recognize potential conflicts of interest.

D. Empathy

1. Acknowledge the emotional needs of patients and their caregivers related to the clinical setting.

E. Respect

1. Act in a non-judgmental manner toward patients.

2. Maintain the privacy of health information.

F. Anti-Oppressive

1. Demonstrate approaches to mitigate the manifestations of racism, bias, and social inequities in health care.