
In the Office for Student Affairs we coordinate major student events including Orientation, the White Coat Ceremony, Match Day, Commencement, Awarding of Endowed Professorships, SINAInnovations, and Research Day.

We offer orientation for first-year students the week before classes begin and introduce you to all the aspects of student life at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, including the curriculum, campus, community, faculty, staff, and our wide range of resources available to you.

Students standing during white coat ceremony

Our White Coat Ceremony marks student initiation into professional training. You and your classmates will be "coated" and will take an oath to uphold scientific excellence and the compassionate care of patients. We invite your family and friends to attend.

2023 Awarding of Endowed Professorships image

Awarding of Endowed Professorships marks the beginning of the academic year for Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. A cadre of outstanding faculty members will be installed into endowed professorships, honoring both their achievements and the generosity and vision of our donors.

medical student research day

We hold Medical Student Research Day each spring to showcase and disseminate new knowledge contributed by students through their investigative activities.

match day

After four or more years of hard work, you and your fellow students attend Match Day to find out where you will spend the next phase of medical training. Each student receives an envelope containing residency information. Family, friends, faculty, and staff attend the festivities to celebrate with you.

Graduating students in caps and gowns

We celebrate Commencement in May. The event applauds the accomplishments of our graduating students. We bestow hoods and degrees as you walk across the stage of Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center.

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Every year, we host the SINAInnovations conference, aimed at redefining how innovation is taught, incentivized, and facilitated within an academic medical center. The conference features speakers from a cross section of specialties, so that we can apply lessons learned from other industries to biotechnology.