Treatment Manuals for Professionals

We offer a number of treatment manuals for professionals who work within the traumatic brain injury (TBI) community.

Manual for Executive Plus/STEP: Problem Solving and Emotional Regulation Training

This manual provides problem solving and emotional regulation training for individuals with brain injuries. It is the result of two randomized controlled trials—Executive Plus and Short-term Executive Plus (STEP)—that were aimed at improving problem solving and emotional regulation skills for a TBI population. Results of the STEP program were recently published in the journal, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. We found that STEP improved executive functioning and problem solving in participants with moderate to severe TBI.

The content of the journal is intended primarily as a support for professionals working with a TBI population. Beyond that, providers interested in developing a program that uses this manual should have in-depth training and substantial clinical expertise in treating brain injury, with a focus on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences.

Manual for Executive Plus/STEP: Problem Solving and Emotional Regulation Training is organized into seven sections.

  • Overview of Executive Plus and STEP
  • Problem Solving Clinical Manual
  • Problem Solving Workbook
  • Emotional Regulation Clinical Manual
  • Emotional Regulation Workbook
  • Appendix I: Background to Executive Plus and STEP
  • Appendix II: Reprint: Gordon, W.A., Cantor, J., Ashman, T., & Brown, M. (2006).

If you are interested in obtaining a complete PDF version of the manual, please contact Dr. Wayne Gordon at

Mentoring Partnership Program Manual and Training Workbook

This manual describes the planning and implementing of a peer-mentoring program for individuals with brain injury and for their families. A growing body of literature validates the benefits of peer support for families facing medical crises; however, no such model for individuals with TBI or their families has previously been implemented. We have created a mentoring program for individuals with TBI and their families within New York State and provides assistance to the New Jersey Brain Injury Association as well as to other groups to develop similar programs. Many of these programs have been evaluated, showing the benefits to participants in mentoring.

The first of these two publications introduces the concept, workings, development and evaluation of a mentoring partnership program. The Program Manual is based on the experience of creating such programs in New York and in New Jersey, with the purpose of providing resources that other groups can use to create similar programs. Its companion volume provides materials used by individuals being trained by a Mentoring Partnership Program to provide peer mentoring.

The Mentoring Partnership Program Manual and Training Workbook offer a step-by-step guide to establishing a full-fledged mentorship program, from start-up through training and workshops.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the Mentorship Partnership Program, please email us at

Moving On: A Personal Futures Planning Workbook for Individuals with TBI, a Facilitator's Manual, and Videotape

Personal Futures Planning (PFP) is a process for aiding individuals with TBI to move on in their lives, by helping them focus on what it is they want in life and on the steps they need to take to get there. The Workbook is to be used by the person with TBI and by people who want to work with him or her on planning for a better future. The Facilitator's Manual explains to leaders of PFP workgroups the issues that need to be addressed in facilitating the PFP process and helping the person with TBI to move on into a personally planned future.

For more information or to obtain a copy of Personal Futures Planning materials please email us at

Vocational Rehabilitation, Traumatic Brain Injury, and the Power of Networking

This booklet is designed for professionals interested in expanding the range of vocational possibilities for individuals with TBI. The key idea is that the complexity of needs typically associated with TBI require non-traditional responses if vocational success is to be achieved. The booklet provides an overview of TBI, describes how traditional approaches can be shaped to better fit the needs of people with TBI in returning to work or entering the job market. It also describes a variety of non-traditional approaches to use, such as business advisory committees, grand rounds, and personal futures planning. In appendices, several topics are covered: Social Security work incentives, New York's Medicaid Waiver, as well as protocols for appropriate neuropsychological testing.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the Vocational Rehabilitation manual, please email us at

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