To thrive in the Medical Education program, active participation is critical. A lack of attendance for any reason does not absolve you from the responsibility of the material covered in your absence. Students must notify their course and/or clerkship director, and small group preceptor about any anticipated or sudden absence from required patient and didactic responsibilities. You must make sure to have your appropriate phone, email, and/or pager numbers available during your absence. Absences longer than two days require a written doctor’s statement to Student Affairs.
View the below polices for further information:
Years 1 and 2 Attendance and Absence Policy
This policy outlines attendance requirements and procedures for absences for Years 1 and 2.
Years 3 and 4 Attendance and Absence Policy
This policy outlines attendance requirements and procedures for absences for Years 3 and 4.
Leave of Absence
This policy outlines all details related to various types of medical student leaves of absence.
Part-Time Enrollment
This policy outlines all details related to attending the School on a part-time basis.