Training and Education

The REC Scholars Program

The Research Education Component (REC), under the direction of Nikolaos Robakis, PhD, and Stephen Salton MD, PhD, provides critically needed training for junior faculty, senior postdoctoral fellows, and clinical research track residents and fellows, to conduct research on Alzheimer’s disease-related disorders (ADRD). The REC supports trainees to conduct research and provides advanced training in approaches and methodologies needed to conduct high quality, ethical, and multidisciplinary research on ADRDs. Trainees are provided with at least two interdisciplinary mentors, and an individually tailored career development plan as well as multiple forums that will encourage development of trainee presentation skills. The arch Education Component assists trainees in the process of submitting and obtaining external grant funding that is appropriate for their career stage and helps them sustain long-term academic careers as independent investigators and future leaders in the basic, translational, and clinical research of ADRDs. The REC program also helps support gifted and highly motivated junior investigators who are new to Alzheimer’s disease-related disorders research.

For more information and how to apply:

Requests for applications are typically posted annually in the fall. Applications include a proposal describing background and approach (3-page maximum including references), plus the applicant’s NIH-style biosketch, and a budget. Applications are scored by one or more reviewers, and the REC Scholar Program Admissions Committee evaluates the reviews and selects the awardees. For more details including deadlines, please contact Nikolaos Robakis, PhD and Stephen Salton MD, PhD

The ADRC College Summer Internship Program

Under the leadership of program directors, Margaret Sewell, PhD, Jane Martin, PhD and Judith Neugroschl, MD, the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) provides a College Summer Internship for rising senior undergraduates who want research experience before considering applying to medical or graduate school, or who might want to consider employment as a clinical research coordinator. The nine-week part-time (3 days per week) research program offers a choice of focus (clinical or bench research) and provides a stipend. We accept 3-5 interns each summer.

For more information and how to apply:

Interns work individually and as a group on projects that are presented at the end of the program. In past years, interns have worked on projects relating to the Brain Tissue Donation Program, cognitive testing, survey data from caregivers regarding COVID, and systematic reviews regarding participation of underrepresented minorities in clinical trials. Many students have the opportunity to be co-authors on abstracts and manuscripts.

Interns work closely with clinical research coordinators on many day-to-day activities of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) including data entry, data collection, administrative work, participant recruitment, community outreach, interacting with research participants and families at the center, observing patient visits, and writing the ADRC newsletter.

Interns attend lectures and didactic classes on topics related to clinical research, dementia, geriatric neuropsychology, neuropathology case conferences, and neurological evaluation. Interns can participate in other educational components of the graduate-level psychology pre-doctoral internship program, as well as Grand Rounds.

Dates and Location

The 2023 Program runs from June 5th to August 4th. Interns must be available for the entire 9-week program, which runs 3 days per week. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are mandatory; the third day will be decided between the intern and their supervisor. Interns work at our East Side Campus at 1399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10029. Housing is not provided.

Application Process and Deadlines

The application and interview process begins the first week of January 2023 and decisions are made by the 3rd week of February 2023 or earlier. To apply, please email a letter of interest and your CV to all 3 program directors:, and

The APA-Accredited Adult Internship in Clinical Psychology Program

Directed by Jane Martin, PhD the Adult Internship Clinical Psychology Program at Mount Sinai in the Department of Psychiatry works closely with the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC). The training program provides extensive instruction in neuropsychological and psychological test administration, interpretation, and report writing, as well as in psychodynamically-oriented and cognitive-behavioral outpatient psychotherapy. It is a full-time, one-year commitment. The internship begins in July.  Interns participate in professional activities including direct-service clinical training activities, supervision, didactic instruction, and research. Upon successful completion of the training year, interns will have completed 2,000 hours of supervised clinical experience which can be applied towards licensure.

For more information and how to apply:

Applicants can contact Dr. Jane Martin directly at or click here

Announcement for recruitment of REC fellows March 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 

The Research Education Component (REC) of the Mount Sinai Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) is soliciting project applications.  Funding of up to $60,000/per year in direct costs is available. The goal of the REC is to introduce and encourage senior postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty to work in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders (ADRD) and to encourage researchers to build new directions in ADRD research.

The purpose of this new funding opportunity is to support educational and research activities that enhance training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical needs in dementia research. REC grants support activities that promote development of future research leaders in ADRD, particularly leaders who can integrate clinical insights with basic and translational sciences to improve interventions for maintaining cognitive health and treating dementia. REC support is intended for junior faculty, senior postdoctoral fellows and clinical research residents. Projects should propose basic, translational and/or clinical research. Past or present ADRC Core Leaders and Project Leaders are not eligible as PIs. REC support is intended primarily for US citizens and permanent residents, unless there is strong justification otherwise based on exceptional relevance to the NIH and NIA.

Application format: The application will consist of a 3-page proposal that includes: 1) statement of the problem and questions addressed; 2) Specific aims; 3) Proposed experimental and/or clinical work to test hypothesis and aims; 4) Timeline; 5) References.  Please submit your biosketch in current NIH format.  The cover page should include PI name, title, rank, email address, cell phone number, name of Mount Sinai mentor and PI signature. Please include a separate budget page describing how funds will be allocated.

Application deadline: Application deadline is 5:00pm of November 17, 2023.  Awards will be announced by end of this year. Please email the signed package to Glikeria Tzikas at cc, with the subject line: “REC research proposals-2024 – PI name”.