1. PhD in Neuroscience
brain in hand


As a student in our Neuroscience PhD Program, you will work with world-renowned faculty on transformational science that that impacts human brain health and disease. Our research approach is rooted in integration across different levels of analysis and model systems, from molecular and cellular, to circuits, networks and systems, to normal and pathophysiological behaviors. You will be part of a team that drives discoveries from the lab to the bedside in an interconnected system with seamless access to research and clinical settings.

Research Areas

Our acclaimed faculty lead a diverse range of research practices, focusing on some of the most prevalent challenges in brain and nervous system health.

Understand the pathology and structural mechanisms underlying alcohol use disorder.

Study the molecular and cellular components that drive brain tumors and develop strategies to deliver anti-cancer agents.

Characterize key aspects of eating pathology and apply them to novel treatments for patients with eating, weight, and body image disorders.

Featured Neuroscience Artwork

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