
MHA Faculty

Robert Albright, PhD
Professor of Practice, Chair, Management Department, University of New Haven

Michael Berger, MSBA
Chief Data & Analytics Officer - MSHP and System VP, Enterprise Data - MSHS

Frank Cino, MPH, CPA
Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer of Mount Sinai Health System

Bruce Darrow, MD, PhD
Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Medical Information Officer, Mount Sinai Health System; Associate Professor of Medicine, Cardiology

Garry J. DeRose, PhD
Director & CEO - Corning Center for Learning (Project Management Instruction)

David A. Feinberg
Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for the Mount Sinai Health System
Dean for Marketing and Communications

Robert Fields, MD, MHA
SVP, Chief Medical Officer Population Health at Mount Sinai Health System

Ashley Fox, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor , Dept. of Public Administration, Rockefeller College, University at Albany
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Population Health Science and Policy

Arthur A, Gianelli, MBA, MPH
President, Mount Sinai Morningside

LeWanza M. Harris, MD, MPH, MBA, MS
Vice President, Quality and Regulatory Affairs, Office of the Chief Medical Officer
Mount Sinai Health System

Joseph Mari, MS
Vice President, Health System Operations and Strategic Initiatives at Mount Sinai Health System

Brian J. Nickerson, PhD, JD
Senior Associate Dean for Master’s Programs
Professor, Dept. of Population Health Science and Policy
Director, MHA and MS Health Care Delivery Leadership Programs

Michael Pugh, MPH
Faculty, Department of Population Health Science and Policy

Alexander Preker, MD, PhD
President and CEO, Health Investment & Financing Corporation
Visiting Professor of Economics
Former Chief Economist for Health and Head of Health Systems Development, World Bank

Brijen Shah, MD
Associate Dean, General Medical Education
Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology
Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Education

Christopher T. Spina, S.M., FACHE
SVP and Chief Operating Officer, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
