Workplace Culture

We strive to create a workplace culture where faculty, employees, and trainees feel valued and supported. When we say workplace culture, we mean the shared values and normative behaviors that are largely driven by leadership behaviors, communications, and team dynamics. The goal is for the workplace culture to advance psychological safety in the community. We promote it through leadership trainings, supportive tools, and role modeling. Some of our services are geared to specific groups within Mount Sinai while others are available to all.

To improve the workplace culture for faculty members, the Office of Well-being and Resilience offers several programs, under the direction of Development:

  • Faculty Well-being Survey: This anonymous, institution-wide, biennial assessment addresses faculty burnout and well-being and the factors that affect each. The surveys assess current and needed resources for mental health and well-being within each department, site, and setting. Email for more information.
  • Faculty Well-being Champions Program: This program creates a direct line from faculty across the institution to both departmental leadership and the Office of Well-being and Resilience. Each department has a well-being champion to gather departmental data on well-being, burnout, and faculty satisfaction. See the list of Faculty Well-being Champions by department here or email for more information.
  • Physician and Scientist Leadership Workshops: We developed these sessions here in response to our faculty requests. We offer four workshops twice annually on the following topics: Coaching for GROWth, Psychological Safety, Challenging Conversations, and Leveling Up Praise and Appreciation.  

We provide a variety of services specifically designed for residents and clinical fellows, including:

  • The Office of Graduate Medical Education Well-being Survey: This annual, anonymous, online survey assesses burnout, well-being, and finding meaning in work. It also includes program-specific questions about systems-level initiatives, such as use of wellness days and mental health resources. Email for more information.
  • GME Well-being Subcommittee: This group gives voice to residents and clinical fellows, faculty members, and administrators about promoting trainee well-being and preventing or mitigating job burnout. Email Paul Yu for more information.
  • GME Well-being Champions Program: In this program, faculty members faculty members work towards promoting a culture of well-being within residencies and fellowship programs.  


We maintain a Student Council Health and Wellness Committee: to help resolve any issue related to student health. We work with the student bodies of the medical and graduate schools, the schools’ administrations, and hospital staff. 

Medical students can participate in these programs:

  • IcahnBeWell: This medical student-directed student wellness program supports spiritual, emotional, physical, professional, and financial well-being. We host events such as Wellness Wednesdays at Aron Hall.
  • ISMMS Advising System: Weassign students wellness, faculty, and student advisors whom you can turn to throughout medical school. The Student Affairs website lists current faculty and wellness advisors. Blackboard (requires login) offers details about individual advisors. For more information, contact Alicia Hurtado, MD, Associate Dean for Medical Student Wellness and Student Affairs.

    • Wellness advisors: Clinical social workers within the Mount Sinai Health System provide personal counseling and support to students. You meet with your advisor twice in the first year and at least once a year after that. Faculty and wellness advisors are listed under the Student Resource tab
    • Faculty advisors: Practicing physicians within the Mount Sinai Health System have no role in assessment or advancement of their students are your first point of contact for academic, career, and professional development. You meet with your advisor at least twice a year to keep on track toward graduation. You can make an appointment on Blackboard via MARC.
    • Student advisors: These fourth-year medical students offer peer support, guidance, and mentorship. Email for more information.

  • The Student Wellness Oversight Task Force: They supervise the creation and execution of all mandated wellness activities and those deemed to be priorities by the Department of Medical Education. For more information, email Alicia Hurtado, MD, Associate Dean for Medical Student Wellness and Student Affairs.

Resources for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows include the following:

  • Trainee Health and Wellness Committee: Activities include an extensive peer-mentoring program, workshops that target the tough points of graduate and postdoctoral training, and monthly social gatherings. We also offer programs geared specifically for postdoctoral fellows and a quarterly .
  • Graduate Student Peer Support: This group offers a peer-support system for PhD and MSBS students, a session during orientation devoted to preparing students for graduate training, THAW Lunch and Learn series, and a workshop series called  Thriving in Graduate School. Email for more information.