The Office of Well-Being and Resilience

The Office of Well-Being and Resilience seeks to promote your well-being and professional satisfaction. We strive to advance a culture that enables you to do your best work in a community that values you.


We do not require you to be well or get yourself well. While do encourage you to develop your own personal well-being and resilience skills, we also recognize that much of what drives your well-being is related to the work environment and system-level factors. The burden is not all on you.

Our model is influenced by the current evidence base, as well as expressed sentiments of Mount Sinai students, graduate medical trainees, faculty, and other members of the Mount Sinai community.

About Us

Created in 2018 and located within the Office of the Dean of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the Office of Well-being and Resilience works with you and in collaboration with partners across the Health System. We drive change through both new and current efforts, both localized and system-wide. We aim to support and promote mutual values such as inclusive, equitable, and diverse working environments, leadership skills development, high-quality mentorship, career development, and optimized use of technology to maximize function and minimize workload. All our efforts are collaborative.

We work closely with our partner office, the Office of Faculty Development, to support faculty through each stage of your scientific, clinical, educational, and administrative careers. To this end, we offer programming in career advancement, leadership development, and mentorship enrichment.

We encourage you to explore our website to learn more about the initiatives that target each aspect of our model. These areas are:

  • Workplace Culture: In a well-being centered workplace culture, faculty, employees, and trainees feel valued, cared for, and supported. 
  • Workplace Efficiency and Function: A well-being centered, efficiency-focused workplace is one in which job roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and feasible and teams work well together.
  • Mental Health Support: We strive to make it clear to faculty, employees, and trainees that mental health (just like physical health) is a priority, that mental health symptoms and problems are very common, that there are no repercussions to seeking help, and that mental health care is easily accessible. 
  • Personal Factors and Health: We recognize that stress and physical health can greatly influence your well-being both at home and at work. To this end, we offer well-being and resilience trainings, sessions, and tools for personal wellness as well as physical health care.