
In the Department of Medicine, we are committed to providing guidance to our faculty to help them set career goals and develop skills necessary to progress in their careers. Our goal is to ensure that our faculty can identify strong and committed mentors who can help give timely and pertinent advice about how to advance their careers. We have an established mentor training workshop series, a strong core of mentoring champions representing each division, and a formalized junior faculty mentoring program all lead by our system-wide Director of Mentoring, Jenny J. Lin, MD.

We have developed a series of 4 1-hour workshops based on the evidence-based curriculum from Entering Mentoring, a curriculum originally developed by the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching whose effectiveness was demonstrated through a CTSA-sponsored randomized clinical trial. We have also adapted the curriculum to focus on mentoring of junior faculty in clinician-educator and clinical practice tracks. The sessions review several essential elements of effective mentoring to foster relationships that promote learning, productivity and creativity.


Learning objectives:

  1. Learn about the impact of mentorship on career development
  2. Use multiple strategies for improving communication in mentoring relationships
  3. Understand importance of aligning mentor-mentee expectations
  4. Identify and address issues of equity and inclusion in mentoring relationships and work-life integration
  5. Recognize how mentoring relationships can promote professional development


Training modules:

Maintaining effective communication

Aligning expectations

Assessing Understanding

Addressing Equity/Inclusion

Work-life integration

Fostering Independence

Promoting Professional Development

Division Mentoring Champion
Cardiology Maryann McLaughlin, MD
Roxanna Mehran, MD
Clinical Immunology Mauli Desai, MD
Endocrinology Barrie Weinstein, MD
Gastroenterology Aimee Lucas, MD
James Marion, MD
General Internal Medicine Jenny Lin, MD
Yasmin Meah, MD
Hematology/Oncology Janice Gabrilove, MD
Hospital Medicine Maria Reyna, MD
Infectious Diseases Bernard Camins, MD
Liver Diseases Meena Bansal, MD
Nephrology Staci Leisman, MD
Veronica Delaney, MD (Transplant)
Primary Care Medicine Carlos Rios, MD
Pulmonary/Critical Care Larry DiFabrizio, MD
Neomi Shah, MD
Rheumatology Olivia Ghaw, MD

In the Department of Medicine, we measure our success by that of our faculty. Our goal is to ensure that our junior faculty are guided and given timely and pertinent advice about how to advance their careers. All junior faculty are eligible to participate in the faculty mentoring program and each division has 1-2 mentoring champions whose role is to assist junior faculty in identifying potential mentors and to provide complementary guidance or advice as needed. The Department of Medicine also conducts regular workshop seminars with junior faculty to provide advice on career development and promotions as well as ways to collaborate across divisions and departments.

The Department of Medicine has established a mentoring structure to provide guidance in setting career goals, developing skills necessary for advancement in each track, and providing other essential tools for junior faculty to progress in their careers. Mentors include Associate Professors and Professors in the Department of Medicine, as well as from other Departments or Institutes within the Icahn School of Medicine. Faculty are encouraged to review their CVs and individual development plans (with specific short- and long-term goals) with their mentors prior to meeting with their division chiefs. Specific details are outlined below.


  • To develop a formal, uniform plan for mentoring junior faculty in the Department of Medicine
  • To foster and enable development and promotion of junior faculty as investigators, educators or practitioners
  • Stimulate career advancement and increase satisfaction of junior faculty in DOM
  • To track the effectiveness of the mentoring plan and the factors that influence success and use these data to improve the mentoring plan in real time


General Concepts and Strategy:

  • All current junior full-time faculty (Instructors and Assistant Professors) will be invited to participate in the mentoring program.
  • Mentees will be paired with mentor(s) of their choice based on their roles and career goals
  • The program will encourage at least 2 mentor-mentee meetings annually
  • One meeting annually with mentor-mentee pair and DOM Mentoring Director or divisional mentoring champion
  • A program evaluation plan will be in place to assess the program annually


Target Faculty

All junior full-time faculty (Instructors and Assistant Professors) in the Department of Medicine are invited to participate in the mentoring program.


Expectations of Junior Faculty

  • Identify a senior mentor with assistance of divisional mentoring champion(s)
  • Arrange regular meetings with the mentor (minimum twice a year with one meeting including one with Mentoring Director)
  • Create a formal individualized development plan with specific short- and long-term goals
  • Update CV annually
  • Report progress yearly (can be part of IDP). The document should include (as appropriate) stated short and long term goals and what has been accomplished thus far in the categories below:
  • For Clinician Investigators:
    • Manuscripts submitted and published
    • Grants submitted and awarded
    • Invited lectures
    • Presentations in academic meetings
    • Teaching activities
    • List of mentees
  • For Clinician Educators:
    • Key teaching activities (including list of curricula developed, participation in curriculum committees)
    • Manuscripts submitted and published
    • List of presentations in academic meetings
    • Invited lectures
    • List of mentees
  • For Clinical Practice:
    • Summary of clinical activities
    • Summary of participation in clinical committees/institutional committees.
    • Manuscripts submitted and published
    • List of presentations in academic meetings
    • Invited lectures

Expectations from Mentoring Faculty

  • Assist in the development of the mentee’s individualized development plan
  • Provide feedback to mentees on their professional development and CV
  • Advise and assist in compiling list of potential letter writers for promotion
  • Meet with mentee at least twice yearly to review CV and career development