The Friedman Brain Institute

About Us

The Friedman Brain Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine is an interdisciplinary clinical and research hub that is defining the mechanisms behind brain and nervous system disorders and translating those findings into preventative or restorative interventions.

The Institute represents a large, multidisciplinary effort involving numerous basic science and clinical departments across Mount Sinai's campuses. We focus on genetic, epigenetic, biochemical, cellular, synaptic, circuit, and behavioral dimensions of nervous system functioning under normal and pathological conditions. By taking advantage of the growing body of knowledge about brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system disorders, we are poised to drive revolutionary advances in patient care by developing more effective diagnostic tests, treatments, and preventative measures.

Philanthropic Opportunities

We are one of the world’s premier institutions dedicated to advancing our understanding of brain and spinal cord disorders, and driving innovative approaches to new treatments and diagnostic tests through translational research. Founded in 2008, the Institute trains the next generation of researchers and clinicians in leading-edge brain science. We invite you to become a partner in our extraordinary efforts by making a tax-deductible donation

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