IACUC Applications

eIACUC Portal

There are two types of IACUC forms within the portal:

  • A long form, which can be used for Initial Applications, Amendments and Triennial Continuations,
  • A shorter form for filing Annual Renewal/Progress report

Both applications are based on logic-driven “smart-forms”, which are, user-friendly, state-of-the-art electronic documents. These forms can be accessed via: https://eiacuc.mssm.edu. Submissions, processing, and review of IACUC applications are performed online.

eIACUC Training

Users may obtain information about the new eIACUC portal at: http://era.mssm.edu/

Training on the use of the eIACUC portal is available via classroom sessions. Users can register for classroom sessions on PEAK online portal at https://peak.mountsinai.org. Early registration for classroom sessions is encouraged as seating is limited. In the PEAK portal

  1. Search for training videos: eIACUC Training Videos (View training videos)

Help with IACUC Applications Forms

Office of Animal Care Use and Welfare (OACUW) personnel (x40153, email iacuc-oacuw@mssm.edu) are available to answer questions regarding completing IACUC applications

The IACUC strongly recommends that Investigators consult with Center for Comparative Medicine and Surgery (CCMS) Veterinarians during the development of a study protocol to ensure that most appropriate measures are taken to minimize pain and/or distress potentially experienced by experimental animals.

If the protocol requires the use of hazardous biological, chemical or radioactive material the IACUC requires that Investigators consult with the Biosafety(x45169), Radiation Safety (x42269) and with the Environmental Safety (x43211) Offices for a risks assessment and counselling about appropriate precautions and procedures needed for the use of such materials.

Help with eIACUC System Issues

Applicants encountering technical issues in completing or submitting IACUC forms via the eIACUC portal should contact the IT department at http://osticket.mssm.edu/ or esupport@mssm.edu. Help may also be obtained by contacting the OACUW office, iacuc-oacuw@mssm.edu.

Review of IACUC Applications

The IACUC may approve, withhold approval, or require modifications of any proposed activity involving vertebrate animals before issuing the final approval of a protocol. An integral part of the review of studies involving chemical, biological, and radiological hazards is a risk assessment and occupational health safety review by Institutional Safety Offices and/or by the Institutional Biosafety Committee.

IACUC approval is granted after all reviews have been completed and the Principal Investigators (PIs) have responded adequately to all requests for modifications of the protocol. Approvals are granted for a period of three years. Investigators are required to file a progress report at the beginning of each year. Upon expiration of the three-year approval period, PIs must submit a new IACUC application.